My Sister Moved to Austin...

3:47:00 AM

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Today I am talking about how I felt when my sister packed her apartment up and moved 2.5 hours away from me.

I was asked about this early in June, but I couldn't really tell what I was feeling. I wanted to give it time. Make sure how I felt. So here it is...

It was hard. 

The night before I was going to go help her move, I cried.
Thinking about not having my sister 8 minutes away from me, broke my heart.

My sister and I have always been close. When she got married and moved out, I went through a stage where I didn't want to hang out with her. Simply because I didn't want to miss her. We spent 19 years living across from each other. I got so use to walking into her room at night and just sitting with her. I got so use to having her 10 steps away. When she moved out, I try to process it the best that I could, but it was hard. When I found out she was moving to Austin I didn't really think it was going to happen. Until the night before, when we were going over to help her move out.

Don't get me wrong.
I have always been happy and supportive towards my sister and brother-in-law.
I couldn't be happier that their relationship is so strong and that they support each other mutually.

But I was still sad that I was going to be so far away from her. Even when she would text me about being scared that she was living so far away, I would encourage her to learn to love her new place, that everything was okay and not to think about the distance. And while I would tell her that. I was trying to tell myself the same thing.

When someone you love so much moves away, it will hurt and it will be hard and you would have to put a brave face and support them. Even if it is breaking you inside to watch them go. It will not get easier, but you will get use to it. There is times where I want to just go over to my sister's and just hang out, but at times I can't. (I mean she lives 2.5 hours away).

My sister and I still have a close relationship. I think living far away from each other is better, because when we see each other we really do cherish the time we have together and we don't fight as often over text. (Haha!)

I am happy and proud of her.
I feel like I will always be, growing up I looked up to her on everything and she's a great example.
I love you J.

x x

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