Don't Hurt Yourself

12:00:00 AM

*throws heart confetti everywhere* 

Hi, welcome to my blog. Hopefully you learn something, if not, 
then I hope you at least enjoy what I write.

Since today is the day of love and friendship and all things pretty!
Smile, because damn you looking fine! 

Anyway, on to a more serious topic. 
Today I want to discuss self-harm. Yup, some of you might click the quickest exit to this page while others are ready to read what I have to say... because self-harm is a serious thing that many young teens, young adults and even adults go through or are going through. 

A-lot of you became curious of my self-harm story. It all began when I was thirteen. I was going through puberty and a-lot of changes. I felt confused, isolated, ugly and lost. Now these are typical things one feels at one point in their life. I don't know why I started self-harming, believe me if I knew the answer I probably would have stopped it before it all got worst. All I know is that I would lose myself and next thing I know the scar was already marked. 

I deal with bad days. I deal with days where that thought clouds my mind.
I feel crazy and anxious that it can still take over my thoughts. 
I still can't talk about it completely, because I have not yet recovered, because it is still there, all of it.
I use to think that the less I talked about it the faster it will go away, but I was wrong. The more I try to talk or write about it the more free I feel, like I'm taking weight off my back. 

If you are dealing with anything that is stopping you from smiling, talk to someone. 
Believe me someone will listen.

Valentine's Day doesn't necessary mean you have to have a partner to celebrate.
Celebrate yourself.
Love yourself.
Treat yourself.
Stop hurting yourself, whether is physically, mentally or emotional.

You only get one life and one body.
Love and Live.

x x

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