21 Facts/Memories About Me

12:37:00 PM

It is July 29, which means...

1. In 5th grade, I would fake play the recorder in choir class and concerts, because I never actually learned how to play it.
2. My grandpa use to call me: gotita de amor, which means teardrop of love.
3.  I have watched Friends over 7 times from start to finish.
4. When I am in any kind of pain I laugh cry.
5. I am lactose-sensitive.
6. I had braces for two years.
7. When I was younger, my mom use to take my sister and I to the library and I would always grab the bin full of Archie Comics, take it to my little corner and just read them over and over again.
8. I am that person who needs to have music on in order to drive.
9. I am a sucker for old pictures and old home videos.
10. I talk to myself all the time.
11. I make list for EVERYTHING.
12. I drive a yellow truck.
13. I sing randomly and it bugs my family. Haha!
14. I been best friends with my best friend for over 9 years, almost 10!
15. I sleep a-lot.
16. I have a ring that my mom gave me in 11th grade and I consider it my good luck charm.
17. I got stung by a bee for the first time two weeks ago. It hurt like a... you know.
18. I own a bunch of journals, yet I can never have enough.
19. Blue is my favorite color. Pasta is my favorite food. Lilo and Stitch is my favorite movie.
20. I love looking/photographing the sky.
21. Today I turn 21 and I am ready for some cake.

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