I'm Thankful For..

3:04:00 AM

It literally feels like Halloween was yesterday, but it's Thanksgiving time! Can we all take a minute and realize how 2015 is almost over!

Mind-blowing I know.

Anyway as Thanksgiving is here it's time to give thanks and to be grateful to those around us. I have a big love for holidays and especially for Thanksgiving, because it's a day when I really do sit and reflect on what I am thankful for. I know people are going to say, "Oh but you have to thank people every single day not just in thanksgiving!" which to some extent it's true, but it's awesome how there is one day dedicated to just be thankful. But the question is, what are you thankful for?

I am thankful..

- to be alive.
- for my supportive parents. 
- that i have a mom and a dad to count on.
- for my siblings: Joselen, Bj, Brittany and Rolando (brother-in-law)
- for my best friend Daris.
- that I am in school.
- that I have a job .
- for the co-workers who turned into friends.
- for my family. (aunts, cousins, uncles, grandmas, etc.)
-for my friends.
- having second opportunities.
-to have a bed to sleep in.
-to have food on my table.
-that I can smell, touch, feel, see and hear.
-that I didn't give up when my mind and body wanted to.

There's probably more things I am thankful for, but I can't think about them in this second, plus if I keep going this post is going to be a big list. Your goal for Thanksgiving is to enjoy the day with something or someone that brings you happiness and to make a list of at least five things that make you are thankful for.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Eat loads, Smile and Dance. Lots of love, Kim.

x x

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