Quick Wacky Life Update

11:41:00 PM

"When will you post a new blog post Kim?"


Well, here's a small look of what my response has been to the people that have been keeping up with my blogs.

I haven't been on top of my blog, simply because I am a chaotic mess right now.

Seriously, no joke.

The beginning two weeks of May was full of final papers, projects and exams. Then my dad and little sister's birthday rolled around, then my re-re-re-make over of my room began on the third week of May and to top it off I got a extreme stomach ache this weekend.

So at the moment I have just finished my sixth cup of tea, freshly showered, in the middle of a awfully messy room, but I am okay, well a bit ill, but okay.

I have just been sort of busy the past few weeks, but like I told those five people who asked, the new posts are on their way. I just really do take my time, so I can deliver the best content I can. Again, if you have any request feel free to let me know. I have gotten a few and I am excited to share them with you very soon.

x x

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